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  • Writer's pictureNancy Bahena

Valentine's PSA

Updated: Jul 11, 2022

Did you know that on average a person needs four hugs a day for survival, eight for maintenance, and twelve for growth?

A friend once told me that if this was the case, I would have been long gone by now because my attitude towards hugs is the equivalent to self harm. LOL

All jokes aside, I will admit that touching and showing the slightest amount of affection brings out a lot of awkward moments for me. It could be because I grew up in an environment where side hugs and peace signs were sufficient greetings. Now that I live in Spain I do think I have become a bit more mushy. I can't help it! I am practically surrounded by PDA everywhere I go.

In Madrid it is really common to see couples kissing on the staircase of a metro stop, friends sharing tapas, and strangers exchanging cigarettes. Of my two years living here, I have noticed that Madrid is very convivial; this city is not afraid of displaying affection and love around every corner. So why am I pointing this out?

Well, because unfortunately we are living in the midst of a global pandemic. The ambience in which we are forced to be a part of has lessened the amount of touch and affection we display towards one another. But if you care to indulge in some surprising studies keep reading on…

There are many types of ways to show forms affection, but according to a study- hand holding has been known to be the simplest and most common act of tender kindness. In fact, hand holding has been proven to light up different parts of the brain that focus on reducing stress, threats, and discomforts.

Then there's kissing. When you kiss someone you are almost immediately immersed in a state of euphoria, and that's because kisses encourage us to form stronger bonds with others through chemical interactions.

If this doesn't turn you into the next love bug, just remember that we humans are social beings. We deserve to be hugged, kissed, held, and loved. It is what brings us closer an allows us to flourish as people.

So here is a hug and kiss from me on this special Valentines. XOXO

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