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  • Writer's pictureNancy Bahena

Are you an ox or are you a cow?

Updated: Jul 11, 2022

I am going to share a story; a story that really isn't mine to tell, but is worth telling because the message is powerful. Before I can begin, I have to share the small parable that tags along with the more complex and real life event.

The story begins like this: A cow and an ox are grazing in a field and they both sense a storm coming. Being afraid, the cow decides to run away from the storm, hence the word coward. On the other hand, the stubborn ox decides to charge towards the storm without hesitation. Now ask yourself; which one do you want to be, the ox or the cow?

Whether you chose the cow or the ox, you have to realize that no matter how fast or how far the cow tries to outrun the storm; sooner or later the storm will catch up and manifest itself over it. On the contrary the ox is more likely to get through the storm faster because it decided to overcome it first.

Get the parable? If not, keep reading. I want to share a similar and true story about a man who literally faced his storm and had a spiritual awakening.

While on vacation in Cabo San Lucas, Duke heard talk of a hurricane four storm passing by his location. It was evident that staying inside was a clear recommendation, but instead the parable about the cow and the ox came to remembrance at the time. Instead of staying inside he felt this urge to go outside and walk towards the hurricane storm.

Sitting there, Duke realized that he had been running away from the "storm" all his life; "I was running, and that is why I was dealing with the same problems all my life. This whole time I knew it was the same problem but different faces."

This sudden awakening taught him that life happens FOR us, not TO us. When problems arise, it is because the universe is trying to teach us a lesson and help us evolve and grow. We shouldn't be afraid of confronting our problems; instead we should face our storm in order to become stronger and wiser.

When change becomes inevitable, it becomes a wake up call. It is up to you to really seize the opportunity and not run away from it. Become the ox from the parable because when we face the storm head on; you are more likely to surpass it faster and stronger. When we do things right, right things fall into place.

So who are you going to be, the ox or the cow?

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