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  • Writer's pictureNancy Bahena

The Musician

I love telling people about how Sami and I met, mainly because of the weird circumstances of our meeting. For those of you who may not know, in January, Madrid was buried under the heaviest snowfall in 50 years. It was so big that they called it "Storm Filomena". In fact, many businesses stopped opening, and school was at a standstill. However, the snow did not stop a lot of people from still going out to enjoy its rarity. This is how I met Sami. In the middle of a heavily snowed plaza where we coincidentally sat in the same table; and talked about life and music.

The reason for why I chose to write about him is because I have met so many people who talk about creating music; but Sami has this special thing that naturally emanates talent and passion. Sami was born in Madrid, and although he lives there currently- his childhood and teenage years were spent living in Granada. As he got older he spent a year living in France.

Living in Paris for a full year was such an overwhelming experience for him; working as a waiter, emotionally battling with his ex, studying, and realizing possibly too late that his real passion was in music. Although Sami describes this as the most stressful segment of his life, it equally had the biggest and most positive impact in his present self.

Life tends to always teach us something about ourselves. In Sami's case he learned that money was an impediment for most of his life advances; but yet he is fully convinced that happiness is not found in money. It is in the music and brief moments in life where a small amount of bliss enters ones soul and ignites hope.

"Music connects us all, even our deepest feelings. It is something personal to me because I don't always share everything about me to others-but music is a mood. Sometimes when I play I give everything I have inside and it makes me nervous but happy at the same time. It exposes my true self." - Sami

So I guess now you are asking if he truly is a musician. I have seen this guy play and it is not about his voice, or his ability to play several instruments. It is his utter joy and love for music that you see. You see a guy who works hard, loves people, enjoys the simple pleasures of life, and plays wholeheartedly. A musician plays from the heart, and every time I hear Sami play his guitar I see someone who seeks true happiness. Someone who is looking to leave the past behind and move towards finding himself.

Isn't that what everyone is trying to do now? Be happy, content with their lifestyle. Like Sami this life is ours to take and make the best out of it. I want to lead a life worth living, and a life full of stressful moments aren't what define us. It is the impulse and actions we take to keep playing and rediscover ourselves.

Click the button on the right to hear an impromptu song he sent me the night I finished typing this blog.

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